When and How to Involve a Professional

Many times in our life we run into roadblocks or find forks in the road that are difficult to navigate. We all need a road map—one written by a knowledgeable professional, but written in a way that the average person can read. This three-book series does exactly that, taking everyday difficulties from our personal life, relationships, family life and more, and helps to give us strategies for Navigating Life.


The Books

Navigating Life Book 1

In this book, you will discover what therapy is and how it helps heal anxiety, depression, PTSD, abuse and other mental, emotional problems. You will learn the difference between psychiatrists, psychologists and counselors and how medication works for mental health treatment. When you understand how counseling is done you will be more comfortable using the included suggestions for finding a counselor.

navigating life book 2
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navigating life book 2
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Navigating Life Book 2

In this book, you will learn about adoption, ADHD, autism, developmental delays in children and how to identify them, special needs, respite care and how to find special medical providers and primary care doctors. You will understand how to help your child using IEPs and 504 Accommodations and where to turn for support.

Navigating Life Book 3

In this book, you will learn about understanding personalities, fears, what to do prior to marriage, how to keep marriage working, the damage divorce causes, costs of going to counseling, why people don’t go to counseling, what happens if they go or don’t go, what marriage counseling is like, getting help in domestic abuse and the basics of parenting.

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“I wrote this book because I want to help families and individuals get the help they need for many of the problems they might experience in life.”


The Author

craig t mitchell
Author Bio

Craig T. Mitchell

With a degree in Psychology and a Master’s of Social Work, Craig has been practicing for 40 years in psychotherapy, marriage and family counseling. He has treated patients with varying mental and emotional disorders, including victims of sexual abuse. He was a foster parent for children with special needs and assisted parents who have children with special needs. He has worked with domestic and international adoptions for his entire career. He is the father of 7 children and 12 grandchildren. He loves being with his family and once this book is finished, he can’t wait to get to the golf course.


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A Valuable Resource For Ministry

As a pastor, knowing when and how to involve a professional when people experience problems in life is important. These books are a great help and I will refer to them often.

D Scott Prindle / Amazon Review
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